Two Worlds

Two Worlds

25 May 2016

This is how a heart breaks

"And I'm steady but I'm starting to shake,
and I don't know how much more I can take..."

Heyo my dear Readers!

Umm... you know in that blog post called "Hopes and Dreams" where I stated "no, I will not be staying there forever - at least at this point I do not think so," when it came to going back to the Island?

Some things have changed.
After talking with the Youth Pastor, a job not lining up for the fall, the healthiness of Hillcrest Church and the youth/student ministries... God is directing me back to the Island indefinitely at the end of June.

I had to share this info over the past few weeks gradually, starting with my co-workers, the Youth Pastor, and as of Wednesday evening, my Jr. Leaders.

It was harder to admit to them than I anticipated...
but I think it will be REALLY hard to admit it to the kids when the time comes...

So, if you're reading this and you're from Hillcrest - I have not announced this to the group yet that when I leave for home and the Island, it's indefinite - so keep it on the DL as much as possible, thanks.

There is/was a series of very detailed events that lead up to this decision to head back to the Island after 5 years of being out on the Prairies... but I think it all can be summed up to say that it's all been by God's direction and working in my heart and mind that I can be at peace and excited with this decision... even if it's going to be sad when I have to say goodbye to everyone over the course of the next month.

I have been thinking about what to do since I dedicated this blog to Hillcrest and I'm leaving soon... but I figured it would be time to start a different blog when I return to the Island, more of that soon to come.

~To God be the glory

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