Two Worlds

Two Worlds

21 May 2016

[Guest speaker] come back...!

"any kind of fool can see..."

Hello Dear Readers!

So this past Wednesday, we had our guest speaker from Briercrest come and talk on the "Lord's Prayer" in the Gospel of Matthew - and it was SO GOOD.

Let me relay how the evening went:

I decided to walk to the church a little earlier than normal in order to prepare for the evening, and as I walked through the parking lot, I arrived at the same time as the guest speaker.

We greeted one another and then meet up with the Youth Pastor. As we lead our guest to the youth room, we found out from him that he had not spoken in front of a group of teen in a long time. Non of us were really concerned, and I did not think nor feel that our guest would be nervous in front of our group; simply because I knew how he handled himself in with college students (which are basically bigger versions of young teenagers) and had been involved with youth ministry before.

As the night wore on, our leaders and youth arrived and we did our basic welcomes and mixers, and our Pastor introduced our speaker (we had said the week before to our group he'd be coming, so it was not a huge surprise to those who were there the week before). I sat myself on the bleachers with our group facing the speaker, he opened up saying, "I know we have roughly 15min to go through this passage, let me try to identify the most important things in this prayer."

In my head I was like, "NOOOOOOOOO - Take all the time in the WORLD!" But he STILL managed to mesmerize, engage, and thrill not only us leaders but also our young adults within the short amount of time he worked with.

I wish I could say everything he talk about with the few verses he walked us through - but that would take up most of this blog post when all I really wanted to say about the evening was - we fell in love with our guest speaker.

Some of our teens had said to our Pastor that they wish/want him to come back! He did amazingly with asking questions and our group responding to him. His passion and simple explanation of the Scriptures was thrilling and wonderful to witness and be apart of, and that's probably why all of us HIGHLY enjoyed his company.

Our Pastor loved him so much that during our debrief at the end of the night, he desired to concoct a plan to get him to attend Hillcrest and be part of our congregation.
My response was, "Just remember kidnapping is illegal." To which another leader replied, "But... he's not a kid..."
* we found our loop hole *
All Joking aside, it would be awesome if that guest speaker could come back again - no, we will not use kidnapping to make that happen.

That's all for now!

~To God be the Glory 

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