Two Worlds

Two Worlds

26 May 2016

A series of divinely ordained events

Hello again dear Readers,

In my last blog post,  I had stated that there was a series of detailed events that lead to my decision to move back to Vancouver Island. It seems like it would be appropriate to give the account and thusly give God glory to how He's been moving and directing this decision.

It all started back in January where I began to develop a restless sensation whilst working at the Spa. I felt alive and excited to be going to youth group, preparing for talks, welcoming everyone, seeing the leaders... but was less than excited to be going to work the next day, and I was not even working that many hours as a casual.

I also really wanted to go back to Vancouver Island for the summer... but didn't know if I could maintain my job at the Spa AND ask for two months off.

It was around February that I had gotten together with Ken for coffee and I had mentioned to him how I was going through the Gospel of Luke and as I thought about going home and not returning I had read the part of what the cost of following Jesus was and thought it very convenient that it would come up as I thought about going home.
He corrected me in my misinterpretation saying that following Jesus in that passage had to do with becoming a follower of Jesus and not what I was reading into it. He also followed up by saying, that shame should not be felt in returning home for a year or so.

That was the first time I had heard anyone say this... as well that it truly sunk into my mentality, "I could go home."
I'll explain why this thought struck me. While I was a student at Briercrest... I was reminded by a friend that in my first year I had said, "Vancouver Island is like a second Eden." I do not remember this, but I do know that I HIGHLY valued the Island with all its beauty and that my family resided there. In my second year at college I had made the decision NOT to go home for Christmas, because when I went home my first year, I missed and loved being back with my family so much that I knew if I returned home for Christmas, I WOULD NOT go back to school, not unless my parents dragged me kicking and screaming to the airport. It was also that year I made the decision to stay in Moose Jaw for the summer to stay on as a volunteer at Hillcrest because I had come to realize the importance of youth ministry and dedicated leaders cared about the overall mission and not just how it benefited themselves; plus I needed to find a job to earn money for school... that's how I ended up as a prep cook at the Spa.
This what I did all the rest of the years at Briercrest, aside from returning home for one more Christmas, I would get a job at the Spa during the summer and maintain my volunteer position at the Church in youth ministry.
I was able to do this! Be a functioning and self sustaining adult in most cases - INDEPENDENCE!
All the while... the idea to go home for more than JUST a vacation crawled on my back on more than one occasion, but I would suppress it thinking, "I need to be here... I'll only grow complacent there, it's an idol that I need to uproot in my life."

I can see in many ways that thinking was correct... but things have changed. I was restless at the Spa, I wanted a change...

Then a job opportunity at a local Christian school opened up, and my co-worker was the first to tell me of it. I was intrigued, but unsure to really get invested in it considering I knew I wanted to get into Seminary not long down the line and being committed to a full time job that required much focus and dedication concerned me. However, the Youth Pastor also suggested I apply for it the next day, so I went for it, but was not emotionally or mentally invested in wanting the position badly.

I prayed to God that He would be the one in control of the situation, whether I would get the position or not, I would trust in Him and whatever happened would be because of Him.
It was then I was talking to one of my close female coworkers about applying for this job and for certain quitting at the Spa, she asked me what my plans for the summer where and I told her about going back home. She, being a BC girl herself, laughed and said, "Once you go home, I could see you not returning if you got settled and found a job out there."
Laughing with her, I did not think much of it until a month past and I received NO WORD from the school about my application.

It was in the first week of May that the Youth Pastor and I went for a walk talking about the Church's vitality, the youth ministry's growth and amazing leaders, the lack of response from the School.... and it was then I let it slip my mouth, "Hey, when I go home for the Summer... what if I don't come back... will you guys, the ministry, be okay?" His response was gracious and encouraging - saying he knew there would be a time when I would have to move on and if it was in God's time that it had come, he would send me off with much blessing.

I knew what needed to happen next; a skype call to my parents.

It went something like this:
Me: Hey, so... if this job does not happen... when I come home for the summer... could I stay home for a year?
Mom: You can always come home.
Dad: (jokingly) I dunno, I'll have to think about it
Me: I'll pay for rent.
Dad: (not so jokingly) Done.

This sealed the deal for me. At this point I KNEW I would not be accepting the job offer even if the school got back to me. To which they never did - and so over these past few weeks I have been telling people of my soon departure and will be making for "goodbyes" before the end the June.

I have to say, it's been a good five years since I spent more than two weeks on Vancouver Island, I am thankful to God that He's allowing me the opportunity to return home for a while.

There are still a few weeks of youth/student ministries left and a Cypress Hills Retreat with the group near the end of June I still need to go on, so this blog is not just about rapped up yet, but once it does I will direct you to a new one I will start to commemorate this time of transition and adventure!
Thanks for reading!

~To God be the glory

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