Two Worlds

Two Worlds

15 May 2016

Chu-chu-chu-chu-CHANGES (turn and face the [weeks])

A sassy response to the title... yes I'm contradicting myself - I do that sometimes

Some updates and expectations:

1. I've officially sent my resignation at the Spa for mid June.

It's been a good, insightful, helpful, learning, and growing experience - but the time has come to quit and move on to other things.
Some of my co-workers have taken it better than others (one co-worker was adamant of saying "No" when I gave him the news and continued to repeat said word about 100x - we eventually had a good laugh then he wished me well).

2. I STILL have weeks of work left and my schedule for the next little bit looks like this:

Mon-Tues : 3:30pm-11:30pm, Wednesday : youth group 6:20pm-9:30(10)pm, Thurs-Fri : 7am-3pm

This means I have the weirdest sleep schedule and lots of people time which will often result in my introvert levels being VERY depleted.
It's friday and I'm dead
Sooooo, if you happen to keep me in your prayers for the next few weeks, that'd be AWESOME.

3. This week for the 'Sermon on the Mount' series Jr. student ministries is going through, one of the Professors from Briercrest will be speaking on the 'Lord's Prayer'!!!
We're so excited! 
I'm pretty sure most of the leaders are more excited than the youth... but that's really because some are former students of the Prof. and have high respect and/or knowledge of him.

Anyway, that's all for now!

~To God be the Glory

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