Two Worlds

Two Worlds

4 May 2016


We only have 6 more youth group meetings left!

Copyright: Toby Fox
Where. Has. The. Time. Gone.
My goodness. 

Welp, in the mean time, Jr. youth will be going through a new series and it is...

*insert drumroll here*

I am both 
Friends, I am SO PUMPED with excitement to start this series.

Tonight, I will be giving a talk by going over the Gospel of Matthew as a whole, and then focusing on Matthew 5: 1, 19 - that is it.

Most of my talk notes are based off my very last college class I had at Briercrest called, "Sermon on the Mount," and the class changed my life.
When the youth pastor and I were planning out the youth group program back in August, this class and what I had learned from it was still fresh in my mind and I was DETERMINED to have it as a series to talk about for youth group.

If you've been following along in my other blog posts, you will have noticed my referring to youth not knowing what the commands of Jesus are and why we ought to be following them and not saying we follow the Laws of the OT.  This Sermon is one of the more clarifying sections in Scripture as to WHAT the commands of Jesus are and WHY it's only by him we are able to do the commands and are made righteous.

I cannot wait and see how our group will respond to this section of teaching, and the amazing things God will reveal about himself through them.

Thanks for following me along on this journey. It's been quite the ride.

Till the next time!

~To God be the Glory

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