Two Worlds

Two Worlds

13 February 2016

Jr. Youth progression

Hey Everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posting, there hasn't been much that stood out to post on, nor any personal thoughts I deemed worthy of sharing.

HOWEVER, I figured with what's going on now in Jr. youth, it was about time to notify what's happening.

Since mid January, our group has finished 2 Timothy and we've started a mini series of "Right Relationships" - that is, "Right Friendships."

Something the youth pastor and I have noticed in youth group is the polar differences in interaction and conversation between girls and guys in how they treat and view each other. I've noticed for the girls that they will either treat/talk to guys like they're dirt, OR they crush on them/objectify them. The youth pastor noted some similar dealings with the guys so we concluded that we should specifically teach on how to treat one another.
Yeah... this is NOT how to do it.
This past Wednesday, we split the guys and girls up and the youth pastor gave the guys a talk on how guys often do and should treat each other, and I gave a talk to the girls on how girls often do and should treat each other.

I spoken on how girls will relate to one another based on mutual similarities/interests and most importantly trust, and when there is no trust it is easy to gossip. I then ran a little skit with two of the other female leaders on what gossip can look like, and then we looked at some verses that deal with gossip (lots found in proverbs). At the end we heard stories from other female leaders that related to Proverbs 27:6 ("Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses").
From what I understand, the youth pastor focused on status, respect, and popularity for the guys.
The girls listened and participated well with the talk, were as the guys for some reason that night were not very cooperative and the leaders had a hard time getting them to focus.

This upcoming Wednesday, we will be talking about how guys should treat girls, and how girls should treat guys. This means that I will be talking to the guys and the youth pastor will be talking to the girls.
Prayer for this mini series would be highly appreciated.
It's funny, because on Vancouver Island, I found that there was not much of a struggle for girls and guys to interact with one another, but for some reason, here on the Prairies, it's a little hard and borderline awful. Maybe it's the Mennonite history/ mentality here...  but I'm really not sure.
One step at a time
By the third week of this mini series, we'll wrap up by highlighting some main points from the previous talks and drawing upon 1 John (which will be a nice reminder from September).

In the end, the hope and idea is that there will be less awkward and rude dealings with opposite genders in the future with our youth group and more  healthy and natural interactions.
Something like this. 
~To God be the Glory

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