Two Worlds

Two Worlds

26 February 2016

Wishing and hoping (right relations wrap up)

Well, we finished our “Right Relationships” talk in Jr youth group. If you read my last blog post "Jr. Youth progression" and happened to be one of the people that prayed for the series, my thanks goes to you.

For the final talk this past Wednesday, the youth pastor and I tag teamed the talk. 
He opened with a recap of his talk with the guys during the first week - noting how popularity often plays a part in having friendships, and then I summed up my time with the girls - noting how trust and gossip play a big role in our friendships and read from Ruth using Naomi and Ruth as an example of good friendship. Then he talked about how the world tends to view how guys and girls relate to each other, and then I ended with the “Five Love languages,” and gifts of the Spirit found in Romans 12, as practical ways to show and receive love from one another. I also explained how guys function by showing respect in relationships and physical interaction for friendship bonding; whereas girls function by showing affection in relationships and talking/sharing for friendship bonding. 

It was a good three weeks, and I wish we could have spent more time on practical application but hopefully that can develop as the rest of the year unfolds. 

Now we will be going into “Pre-Easter” and “Gospel” talks, considering Easter is only a month a way. 

Stay tuned and thanks for your continued interest and prayers!

~To God be the Glory

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