Two Worlds

Two Worlds

13 January 2016

Why is Youth Ministry Important?

Hello dear reader,

I can see how a general question about youth ministry seems rather un-enticing, but if you're willing to follow me down this rabbit trail, I guarantee there will be some feelings of disgust, intrigue, offence, and possibly inspiration (if you finish this blog post with none of the four feelings, please comment and tell me how you DID feel - I'm rather curious to see the results).

So, I'm reading the meditation from John Piper's book, "A Godward Life," and this is the title: Does it Pay to Visit Vermin? Meditation on James 1:27 (look up the verse to see context - I'm not going to spell out everything) .
Aside from the title standing out, a lot of what J.P. said really bounced off the page:
"Local businessmen in Brazil call them 'vermin.' Garbage. 'If we let them grow up, they will be criminals, a blight on our society.' There are millions of homeless children on the streets of Brazil... They beg, they steal, they sell their bodies. They eat garbage. They start scared and end scarred, hard, and dead.
Some policemen and others moonlight by contracting to kill street children so that they will not menace the city. In 1992 an average of four-hundred of these children were killed monthly in Brazil.
It's the same in other big cities. the Philippine government estimates that there are fifteen thousand child prostitutes in Manila between the ages of nine and twelve. One estimate suggests in Thailand there are eight hundred thousand girls between twelve and sixteen years old involved in prostitution."

\\ Feeling disgust yet? //

I felt sick to my stomach after reading this. Since I am someone who is involved in youth ministry and has made relationships with the youth, and grow up in a society that seeks to provide child care and safe houses for those less fortunate, the very thought of people being hired to kill orphan youth, or youth having to subject themselves to prostitution, is disgusting.

Of course, some may think, "But, that's not happening here, why should it be our concern?" 
To that I say, read James 1:27, in fact while you're at it, go look up the word "fatherless" in and see how many times God mentions too look after the fatherless and the widow. 

However, that's not the question we're tracking with, the question is "why is youth ministry so important?"
How about the fact Canada has the privilege to do youth ministry programs without the threat of their youth being killed off, OR that we can still teach Christianity openly?

Should we not be taking the opportunity to teach, show, expect our youth to be discipled, reading their Bibles WITHOUT BEING TOLD TO, praying WITHOUT HESITANCY, and attending youth group WITHOUT DEFAULT. 

\\ Feeling intrigue yet? //

But some would rather have youth groups play dodgeball, basket ball, or hockey, invite bands to play, or one hit wonder speakers to perform; just to draw the masses and say it's growing. 

\\ Oooohhh, feeling offended yet? //

Youth Ministry in Canada has the MOST AMAZING opportunity to teach youth how to read their Bibles, how to pray, memorize Scripture together, build relationships, and actively be doing discipleship - and when all of this is done right: with passion, excitement, practical application, hands on learning - NONE OF THIS IS BORING!

So often youth groups shy away from doing Bible related activities, mixers, or Scripture memorization because it's boring or awkward. MAYBE it's also because they do not now how to run one of those activities - BUT WE ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE NOW BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET.
Be warned, not everything on the internet is valid (say whhhaaaaattt?) BUT - one can ALWAYS use discernment when looking for inspiration.

Use these questions for yourself when seeking to run an activity or method on the internet:

1. Would I want to do this/have this done to me?

    B. Yes
         1) I'm I the only one who would do it?
             a. Yes - DON'T MAKE ANYONE ELSE DO IT

2. Does this really build relationships?

    A. Does it involve embarrassing someone
          1) Yes - DON'T DO IT... EVER
    B. Do you actually learn about someone else that you would want to have a follow up conversation?
         2) No - DON'T DO IT
    C. Does it involved physical contact (not including handshakes, high fives, fist bumps, or side hugs)
         1) Yes- hmmmm, physical contact with hormonal adolescent teens...
                                                                                       ...sure why not NEVER EVER DO IT

3. Does this help keep Scripture to memory/ not contradict Scripture?
    B. No - DON'T DO IT         

\\ feeling inspired yet? //

Seriosuly dear reader, I hope that this blog post made you feel something about youth ministry and how it's important. I could go through the pain staking effort of showing you the stats of youth that are falling away from the Church between the ages of 18-27, if that would help. 

If we in youth ministry are not taking seriosuly the urgency and necessity of teaching youth how to read their Bibles and pray through discipleship in youth group, and how to be applying what they are learning in their daily lives outside of youth group and the Church, how can we expect them to be strong in their faith when they enter adulthood? 

Please, dear Reader, take this all into consideration, talk about with with your friends and family, your church members, your youth leaders and pastors - don't just dismiss this. Please, please do something, something that can help youth ministry. 

God, my Heavenly Father, do not let this post be a waist of space on the internet. Let this inspire someone to do something for the Church of Canada, for Youth Ministry as a whole. Let this offend someone that they will talk about it and therefore affect someone who needed to hear it. Let this intrigue someone that they would seek to further youth ministry in a productive way. Let his disgust someone that they would do something about youth ministry or the lack there of in the world. 
If this post cannot do any of that, or anything at all... may it float in cyberspace making no difference whatsoever. 
In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

~To God be the glory

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