Two Worlds

Two Worlds

13 January 2016

Begin again

Hey team!
Youth group starts up again this week!

Jr. youth begins tonight, and Sr. youth on Friday!

It's been a good break, but I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with youth group and our leaders.


We have lost some leaders and have gained a few this new year.

Please continue to pray for the future youth leaders, who are not in youth ministry yet, will come either on their own by the prompting of the Holy Spirit; or that the youth pastor, our current youth leaders, or myself, will have someone brought to our minds that we can seek out.

When it comes to youth leaders, age does not matter, in fact I would prefer to see more adults and grandparents being youth leaders in youth group. We need the older generation disciplining our youth, and if they're not doing it already they should be with youth group being a great facilitator. 

Oh... another thing... I have withdrawn from my involvement with Sr. youth, so I will not be sharing as much stories about what's going on their, but my hope is that I can assist our Youth Pastor by checking in and regularly seeing how our leaders are doing (sort of what I've been doing with Jr. youth leaders, just not attending the meetings).
Believe me, I'm not thrilled with the decision myself, but for now I think it may be for the best; until I can get a handle on my life and what responsibilities I can take on without burning out.

Till the next youth group update!

~To God be the glory

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