Two Worlds

Two Worlds

15 June 2016

H2O, cake, and last days

(Play this music when reading the post for more epic-caucity)

This week has been the week of FEELS.
On Sunday night I had my last shift at work which consisted of not a lot of action in the restaurant, but A LOT of action behind the scenes.

I was made aware that stuff was going to happen by the planning of one of the waitresses whom I love dearly, however as the night unfolded, only one of the three things that happened to me were planned.

Mid way through my shift, all the servers came out from the restaurant with cake on two platters. Delighted by this chocolate dessert, I grabbed one of the pieces and as I took a bite, the mischievous waitress shoved that piece of cake into my face.

It was hilarious washing cake from my nostrils and eyebrows, but not before getting a few photos of the "cake in the face" aftermath.

The second part, one of my fellow kitchen co-workers got in on. Since I was doing the shift of Dishwasher one of my duties was to take out the trash -  so I suspected nothing when she asked if I could take out this one particular garbage bin (as I tested its weight, it was pretty heavy), naturally it made sense to do as she asked and thought nothing of it.

As I walked out to the garbage disposal bin with my cowoker - out of the corner of my eye I see that mischievous waitress with a bucket, wearing a garbage bag whilst yelling as they rushed towards me from behind a dumpster bin. I darted away but not fast enough as the water launched from the bucket and doused my whole back. Wonderfully enough it was warm water and not only was my co-worker filming the whole thing, but another waitress was filming from behind a fence.

There was much laughter to be had, but there was still one more event to be had.

As I stood in dish-pit (now having changed for the second time and wearing my third apron) the waitress cornered me and dumped a pitcher of COLD water on my head now getting my upper torso wet.

As the cameras came forth on of my co-workers told me to smile and I frowned like an upset and sad puppy.

That was all to be had for the pranking - and I as well as everyone else, had a good time with it. Like I said before it was not ALL planned and the waitress who instigated it said she never would have put as much thought into it if I was not liked by her.

So I finished my time at the Spa well with cake, water, and much laughter, and goodbye hugs from the servers and my kitchen co-workers


Much of the same themes happened cakes, water, and laughter.

We started the night trying to guess the gender of the baby of one of our youth group leaders, and she had brought us cake pops and cup cakes with blue and pink frosting left over from their gender reveal party last sunday.

After that we had a prayer time for the transition of the grade eights into Sr. High youth group for the fall... and for myself as it was my last night at youth group there.

As I stood in the centre of the room, the kids all gathered to hug and pray for me. The youth pastor told me that some of the kids who would not reach strained their arms to reach me as I was prayed over.
Later some of the girls gave me homemade cards and nicknacks as goodbye gifts. I was so touched by their thoughtfulness it was hard to keep composed.

We ended the night with a water related activities and I was given the task to take photos on the Youth Pastors phone and thusly managed to stay "mostly" dry.
Everyone was yelling, laughing, and throwing the water soaked sponges at each other - overall it was a wonderful and delightful way to finishes the youth group night.

All throughout the night, I kept getting hugs specifically from the grade eight girls whom I had lead dinner and Bible studies with and spent the most time with in Jr. Youth since they were in grade six.

Truly, it has been a blessing from God to work, lead, and grow with each and everyone I have met with in Moose Jaw in and outside the church setting.

I look forward to tomorrow as some of us head out to Cypress Hills for the youth retreat - I pray it all goes well and we will make more wonderful memories and grow more in love God and each other in this new setting.

~To God be the glory

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