Two Worlds

Two Worlds

19 June 2016

An Ending

(Play song whilst reading blog for atmospheric mood setting:) 

Well, that was an amazing, delightful, refreshing, exciting and sad weekend. 

A group of 42+ of us went up to Cypress Hills at Pinecrest Camp Thursday afternoon. It was wonderful to be surrounded by trees again - hearing the rushing wind whilst watching the swaying of the trees had long since been seen and heard - and it was AMAZING. 

The weekend mostly consisted of walks along hiking trails, having personal and guided reflection times, listening to a speaker from Hillcrest during firesides (along with myself playing the guitar and a kid playing his drum for singing), and LOTS of playing foursquare. 

It was a VASTLY different experience from the previous retreat to Cypress Hills last year (See 'Dark on Me' part 1 and part 2 for context)... and it was good. So many adults, competent leaders, and an amazing group of kids made the whole experience a delightful one. 

I was also able to get times to introvert and not have to be in so many roles of leadership knowing there were other adults to cover for me and knowing that the kids were trustworthy enough to let them go off and have fun doing their own thing. 

It was exciting to play games with our kids as well with going on hikes, swim, and lead them with songs like "Same Love" (Paul Baloche), "All Glory be to Christ" (Kings Kaleidoscope) and a song I had wrote titled "Psalm 136 + 1 John 4 MASHUP" - It was the BEST to have the kids and adults say the phrase "His love endures forever" in Hebrew:  כִּי לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ 

It was also incredible to have a drummer do this song I had wrote with me... it made it seem like a legitimate song...

There were moments during the retreat where it struck me that I would be leaving to the Island soon... like when the girls I had discipled from grades 6-8 kept saying don't leave... and that I would HAVE to come and visit them. Also, upon thinking about all these people I've come to interact with and learn from more, and then spend this intense time with on the retreat I'd also be having to leave and say goodbye to made me tear up. 
Especially today once we got back and were seeing the kids off to their guardians vehicles, one of the girls hugged me tight and looked like she was going to cry... 

Even though I had slight moments where I questioned whether it was the right decision to move back to the Island and not try to stick it out here longer... I was still certain that this was the choice that God was allowing me to take. 

Does that mean I will not/do not have bouts of sadness when I say goodbye to people and think about leaving the friends and family I have made out here... by no means. 

But, despite the fact my time here on the Prairies is coming to an end... it does my heart good to know that such wonderful and Christ-like people will be here, and ever so present in the church and in the ministry, that I know I am leaving it all in good hands. 

I still have a little over a week to say more goodbyes and get my things together and send home, but this will be my last blog post on this site.

HOWEVER - I know that I have a significant enough following that people may/do still want to read what I write and know what sorts of adventures God takes me on... So, I figured I would start up ANOTHER blog site where people can follow my adventures on Vancouver Island.

Once the page is up and running the link will be placed here:

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To the people whom I have made relations with at the Mineral Spa: I will think of you fondly and with much appreciation for my time there with you.
To the professors, mentors, and disciplers I met, learned from, and love at Briercrest: thank you for all your hard work. You go above and beyond what any regular teacher would and deeply care for the students who learn from you. Thank you specifically for the time I had you as an instructor - your convictions and passions have touched me deeply. 
To the members of Hillcrest church which I call my family in Christ: Thank you for letting me serve in the youth/student ministry as well as participate and engage with some of the significant events that have happened there. I have grown so much in the environment and will be taking what I have learned on my next adventure.
To the Youth/Student Group and its leaders and Pastor: Thank you. I love you all so much. And as I type these words with tears in my eyes, I will always treasure and carry you in my heart. I will think of all of you often and how blessed I was to be part of your lives for a time. 

To the God I love and serve, Jesus the Christ and the Messiah. Thank you for leading, guiding, and loving me. I pray that I have served you well here on the Prairies and I would only continue to do so when I move back to the place I grew up. Amen.

Till then, thank you all for being part of this journey I've had being on the Prairies - and we shall see you all in the next one on the Island. 

~To God be the glory 

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