Two Worlds

Two Worlds

10 March 2016

Unexpected (but in a good way)

I think the best word to describe how this past week has been is: Unexpected.

Two major things that make me think this:

1. Ever since telling people about that "Pharisee goes Prodigal" incident, and sharing it on this blogg... I've had nothing but encouraging feedback from those who have spoken/written to me since confessing.

Honestly, I did not know what to expect when sharing that story... I certainly hoped for graciousness and understanding, but it was not what I was expecting the whole time - if anything, I was preparing myself for someone to chew me out (and rightly so) question my motives... but so far, that's not happened and now I'm not anticipating it anymore.

Before I say what the second thing is - thank you, to all of you who have contacted me and expressed encouragement and shown me grace. Truly, I value it. 

2. I gave a talk in youth group Wednesday evening about Jesus and his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane (on the Mount of Olives); and there were some verses I did not know how to interpret so I had to wait till the day before to use commentaries from a library in a nearby town.
I absolutely loath not working on something at least three days in advance so I've had time to ponder and consider all the concepts raised in my studying and know which I can work with and talk about.

Since I did not get that opportunity this talk session, I felt rather unprepared giving the talk... and felt like it was really simple, almost superficial.

HOWEVER, it was not till pod group time/ youth leader's debrief that I discovered good conversation came out of the talk regardless.

It was in one of the pod groups I lead after I gave the talk that some sweet conversation happened flowing from the talk - like "what if Adam and Eve didn't sin, would Jesus be with us?" "Why didn't God kill/stop the snake from tempting Eve" "Why would Jesus need to be afraid to die?" - and those questions came just from the group I was with.
I found out from another youth leader that one of their kids did not realize that Jesus felt things like "sorrow" and stress, and another group ended up having to explain how the Trinity works.

All that being said, it was amazing to see and hear about the results that flowed from a talk I felt unprepared for. One of the youth leader's said to me, "The Gospel is so powerful and important, not to say the rest of the Bible isn't, but there is something to the Gospel's that is really impactful."

JUST SO YOU KNOW - I am NOT saying that being lazy, or "winging" a talk and thinking "God can use whatever I say," is acceptable all the time. But this talk was a good reminder that no matter the studying I can pour into a talk, or the theological concepts we can dig up and discuss, or the eloquent words and speech I wove together, can truly make any difference if God is not part of it.

What is amazing about youth ministry and youth group is being able to see the growth of faith and love in God happen in the teens, and to see their excitement or their "mind blown" over things they've never comprehended or heard of before.
Seeing teens excited to know God more and desire to deepen their relationship with Him is the MOST amazing privilege I have.

I cannot wait and see how this group continues to grow and change under the care of each other and influence of God's love.

~To God be the glory

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