Two Worlds

Two Worlds

2 September 2015

The Topic of a sexualized society

Yeah... this is happening. 

Back in 2012, and artist by the name 'Marina and the Diamonds' addressed the topic in her song 'Sex, Yeah' about how girls are sexualized and the concept of sex is imbedded into our history and present time.

If you are not comfortable with the word "sex" being repeated in a song... better not listen to this out loud or at all. 

This is her song: Marina and the Diamonds - Sex, Yeah Lyrics

If you didn't, or don't want, take time to listen to the song; here are the lyrics I'm wanting to really focus on:

"Nothing is provocative, anymore even for kids
No room for imagining
Cause everyone's seen everything
Question what the T.V. tells you
Question what a Pop Star sells you
Question Mum and Question Dad
Question Good and Question Bad...

Tired image of a star
Acting naughtier than we really are

If History could set you free
(From who you were suppose to be)
If sex in a society
(Didn't tell a guy/girl who he/she should be)
'Cause all my life I've tried to fight what history has given me,

I can see how being a parent this day and age is a terrifying concept if you're wanting to raise your child well and not wanting them to stumble upon a Nicki Minaj music video by accident.... You can put in ALL the safety measures in your house via pass codes, parent protection on the internet, hiding the remotes when not in the room... or just not having a computer, cell, iPad, T.V. at all and live in to boonies.... but as soon as you hit the grocery store, or walk into a mall, or listen to the radio, BAM. It's there: gorgeous women on magazines and posters who could be 15 or 25, and men who are all rocking the 'gods of greek mythology' look, plus that song "Bang Bang" is playing over the mall radio...

"Bang Bang into the room..."
SO - What are we to do as Christians living in a sexualized society?

Well, realistically; we cannot shut ourselves out from the world; and to say society is worse than it was in Israel's history would be kidding ourselves - people in the OT and NT had their fair share of problems with sex and sexualized societies (see any accounts of adultery in the OT, and sexual immorality in the NT - doing a word search alone in will give a good enough idea).

What we CAN/SHOULD do is address that we are living in a time when porn is only a click away, and explain why it is important as Christians to not indulge in viewing, or partaking in, sexual activity.

FIRST OFF: Christians know that sex is a gift form God, that should be a given; but OBVIOUSLY He has perimeters set because - you know... since He created it - He knows when and how it ought to be treated. This goes beyond merely saying, "Do not do sex till marriage because blah blah blah, reasons blah blah blah scripture that I don't fully understand blah blah blah"
In Marv Penner's book Help! My Kids Are Hurting, he addresses the topic of porn and what makes it so desirable. Penner states that porn is "physiologically active," meaning, when viewing it, the person's body releases a hormone that locks memories into the brain and in this "response to pleasure, chemicals called 'opidids' are released by the nerve endings, reinforced the body's desire to repeat the process" (135).

PEOPLE - THIS is why sex within marriage is SOOOOOO important.

Just think, what if you didn't see that half naked women time after time in magazines, or the internet, and on your wedding night you see: Her, your wife, your beloved.
AND women, think about not indulging in those sexualized and romanticized novels and movies and instead being pledged to a man who on your wedding day says "till death do us part" - ALL THIS umbrellaed under the understanding and respect that God, our Heavenly Father, DESIGNED THIS.

Sex outside marriage is only the twisted and perverse version of the true and blessed gift that God made will wonderful intent for humans to experience.

GRANTED, I have never been in a romantic relationship with the opposite gender, and honestly think it may never happen; however, that does not mean that these perimeters go over my head... even those who never end up getting married cannot go about fulfilling sexual desires outside marriage.

Thus these are my points:
  1. Sexualized society is evident, it needs to be addressed with digression to our youth who are impressionable and in need of guidance 
  2. Scripture helps, science helps, healthy relationships help 
  3. God created sex and marriage and they go hand in hand for a reason 
  4. let's talk about this 

~To God be the Glory

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