Two Worlds

Two Worlds

3 September 2015

The Topic(s) of marriage and sex

Oh dear, where do I begin?

This topic is branching from my last blog post of a 'sexualized society.' Like I said in one of my summary points, marriage and sex go hand in hand, because sex outside of marriage is a perversion of what God intended both marriage and sex to be.

So, marriage and sex; time to break it down:

I can see that in both Christian and Non-Christian circles, marriage is desired.
At Briercrest, I could feel the tension and weight whenever someone dropped the word 'marriage' in conversation - either because someone is upset they're not in a relationship leading to that (or in one at all) or because it's like some high achievement the faint of heart cannot endure. While in the work place, guys will propose to me after eating some cookies I've made - so, it's taken lightly, YET my co-workers seem to talk about marriage just as much as Briercrest.


Here's the thing, marriage is desired by humanity. God created marriage when he created man and woman in the beginning to live in harmony with one another (see Genesis 1-2). Even now, in our sinful state and pain stricken world, marriage is still desired because of the unity of bringing two people together and become one AND symbolizing the relationship of God to His people.

Sadly because of our selfishness, marriage is (more often than not) misused as a source of human achievement and self satisfaction. That's why there are so many divorces, it's because they realize that the person they've promised themselves to isn't living up to their desires and vice versa and they break it off only to seek out the next person who will fill that God shaped hole inside them.

And Sex. Well, a lot of that was talked about in the last blog, but I'll focus on sex in relation to marriage from a two possible standpoints.

Here's a possible thought process for a non-Christian: Hmm, I've had sex in high school, a one night stand, and lived with my lover for a few years, and watch porn, but this STILL isn't enough... hmm, maybe I should get married... *cue Bruno Mars' song 'marry you'*  -- the FACT this song exists shows marriage as a thing to be desired BUT still misused --
Here's a possible thought process for a Christian (single or in a relationship): Hmm, I cannot view porn, masterbate, or have sex outside marriage; I should get married.

Wait, wat?
These are only possible thoughts for some people, but the way things are talked about and dealt with when it comes to marriage and sex, it seems like this is what people must be thinking.

That being said, fellow Christians, if you have the desire for sex, you should get married. I believe this is what the Apostle Paul was getting at in 1 Corinthians 7:9; HOWEVER, once you are together, it's 'till death do you part,' so love (Eph 5:25) and submit (Eph 5:21-24) to each other just as Christ has for the Church - for this is how marriage works.

And other fellow Christians who are not in romantic relationships, keep it up! There's nothing wrong with you. If you're in ministry/ doing ministry/ what God is calling you to do with discipleship in mind and romance isn't on the radar, you're doing fine. In 1 Corinthians 7:8, Paul writes "Now to the unmarried/widowers and the widows I say: it is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do." Because of this, Paul was able to focus on the ministry to the Gentiles and build up the foundations of the NT Church.

Like I said in my last blog, I will go into celibacy, I just want to do more research and reading about it so please be patient.

Till the next time then!

~To God be the glory

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