Two Worlds

Two Worlds

27 December 2015

Reassuring Quote 3

Hey everyone!

This is just another quote from the man whom I admire a lot. This quote is probably going to stick with me for the rest of my life because I have come to realize that Carl's observation for himself is the exact same for me.

This is why I love ministry, especially youth ministry. When I am in a position to study Scripture, that is the Bible, and teach it to others, I am also learning for myself thereby which I can undergo the process of Sanctification with God help and thusly become (becoming) the godly person He desires me to be. As I am doing this, learning and applying Scripture, I am showing and discipling others (youth mainly) how the Word of God transforms our lives and is an exciting process of getting to know God and falling in love with Him. 

That is not to say personal devotions do not happen... but being in ministry, being part of the Body of Christ, being part of the Church, motivates me so much more to be the godly person Jesus helps and desires me to be. 

And to think... God wants everyone to have this relationship with Him, this loving, exciting, hopeful, and purposeful relationship that transforms ourselves and the people around us into the wholesome community and brilliant individuals He desires. 
I wish... I pray, all whom I know, all whom I love, will desire to know and love the LORD, the God of Israel and all of creation, Jesus who came to save us all. Also, that I, will fall deeper in love with Jesus as God incarnate... so that I too may be a better person as and when I teach the Scriptures. 

~To God be the Glory  

22 December 2015

Tis the season

It's official. The Youth Group gatherings have come to and end last week till mid January.

For Jr. Youth, we had a Christmas party where our youth pastor gave a little talk - simply noting a few things from Matthew 2 - then we had the youth split off into their small groups to pray for and encourage one another. In their groups we had them decorate their youth leaders as christmas trees (some took creative liberty with that) and were judged accordingly for their outfits:


After the judging, the youth pastor and I handed out hot chocolate as the youth in their small groups came up with christmas carols that they would sing a line from and if anyone else had it, it was to be crossed off. 
It was awesome to see the youth get into the party and we even ran out of time and didn't get to finish the "christmas carol" game. 

It's been a delight and honour working with these youth leaders and getting to know them personally has been a blessing. I pray that the Christmas break will be good to them and they will come back refreshed and renewed in the New Year. 

As for Sr. Youth, it was relatively the same program wise, except we had a "Christmas-ween" theme where we could dress up for the evening. Since it was "Christmas" and "Halloween" themed, my interpretation was that we had to go as something that involved both of those aspects, as it turns out, that was not necessarily the case, but I went as the "Ghost of Christmas past" 

 We had a Christmas punch station, were our church's intern served up drinks with fancy names. We also had some cookies and cakes all provided by our youth pastor and the night was a relatively chill one. The youth were not as into the program stuff, the dress up and carol games, like the jr. youth were, but the night still boded well.

I am also very thankful for all the youth leaders and youth who are dedicated to the youth group. I pray that over the break there would be a renewed sense of involvement and delight for the program, if not then for the youth pastor and I to have a better understanding and way of improving the program, or seeking what God want for our Sr. youth in the New Year.

In the next little while, there will be no youth group, but there will be plenty of opportunities for me to reflect, rest, and study about personal, spiritual, and thoughtful matters. Stay tuned still.

For now, Merry Christmas!

~To God be the Glory

7 December 2015

This will be short

Yeeeaaaahhhhh, so remember that time (blog post) where I said I would tell how that Youth Ministry coffee session would go... Well... The youth pastor and I were ready... and set up... but... uh, no one came.

Funny enough, I wasn't upset or angry. There were many variables that could have added to why no one came/were able to come. So, in that time, the youth pastor and I planned for the week and ways in which to approach the people we wanted to ask specifically about joining the youth min team.

The youth pastor messaged me today and said one of our candidates was willing to come aboard, and we've been wanting to ask this person since September, so it's great that at least one of the people we were seeking is wanting to join us.

So, dear reader, if you did happen to pray that the youth min coffee session would go well, it's okay that no one came. I truly believe that God has other ways in bringing the right people to ministry opportunities... which may be that the youth pastor and I need to personally meet with them and ask.

That being said, there are only two weeks of Youth Group left before the Christmas break - so if anything major happens in Youth group - I will talk about it. If not, I may talk about some of the personal things that have been/are going on in my life.

We shall see.

Till then -

~To God be the glory

Oh, to end on a pun: