Two Worlds

Two Worlds

26 October 2015

Updates and Previews

Hey all,

So I just got back from a renewal weekend in Steinback MB, from a church called Southland.

Man, oh man, I have SO MUCH to talk about from that weekend; however, I will save that for another post. For now, I want to show some pictures, and talk about what happened before the weekend to Southland and what gifts they gave.

Wednesday, Oct 21st, 1pm - I'm at Hillcrest, cutting veggies and fruit.

I wanted to make a meal for the youth leaders. I did it in the hopes of blessing them with a meal they did not have to cook for themselves, or eat from a cafeteria, and to unite both our Sr. and Jr. youth leaders so that they would see the people also working in the same ministry. 
Unfortunately, only under half were able to come... but I was glad for those who came and were able to enjoy the meal.

I had some help with a few of the leaders with prep for food, and one of the leaders brought a salad. Other than that, I made sure to do up the meal myself so that the leaders who have been serving since September would have the chance to be served this time in a small way.

It was a vegetarian meal, that was by accident, mostly... the Youth Pastor reassuring me that tofu was a fine substitute to chicken.

Red lentil and mushroom stuffed acorn squash
So the leaders enjoyed the meal. The ones who didn't have to stay for the Jr. youth group that evening left and the rest helped take down the tables and chairs, and helped me a little with the dishes.
It was a delightful and good experience that I was glad to organize, and hopefully I can do something like it again.

Monday, Oct 26th, 6:50pm - I'm sitting at my computer desk and looking at my gift bag from Southland church

I know right? The weekend was about renewal and they gave gift bags at the end of the retreat? Well... just wait till you see all  that's inside:

Info cards, gift card, mug, water bottle, and a recipe book with all the meal recipes from the weekend. 

But wait, THERE'S MORE:

Journal, devotional booklets: Micah and Psalms, and two cd's of their worship music - one instrumental and the other songs of worship.

I got to tell you, if ANYTHING, it was the hospitality of my Billets, the generosity of the volunteers and organizers of the weekend, and the driven passion of faith the members of the church have impacted me THE MOST. However, I am beginning to see that they were behaving like this because of their faith in the gospel and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit's movement and convictions.

There will that and more about me perspective on that weekend renewal. For now, I end this blog post with a prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank you for the experience out at Southland. Your guidance and provision happened all through the weekend and I thank your for it - the people I got to know and love from our church who went; for the billets who housed me and another woman from our church and their joy, hospitality, and care for us; for the fact they even lived a stones throw away from the church so that I could leave and get a nap in for the days I needed it; for the honesty and sincerity of the people who prayed over me during the prayer summit; and for the genuine and honest speakers who conveyed their thoughts and directions well. 

May Southland's generosity, hospitality, and faith, be made known throughout Canada as a testament to your Holy Spirit's guidance and as an encouragement for the churches' of Canada to pursue you through your word and deed with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

To God, our Heavenly Father, be the glory. 


Ps. if you want a glimpse of what the worship was like, at least in song, here's a link to one of the songs we sang on the weekend.

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