Two Worlds

Two Worlds

27 November 2015

Seeking youth leaders within the church

Hello my dear readers,

I am sorry for the lack of blog posting, in my opinion there has not been a significant need to post anything that has been going on in youth ministry...

PASSION! EXCITEMENT! Allllright, calm down. 

The youth pastor and I are finally doing a Youth Ministry Session in our church to bring awareness to how important youth ministry is, and what positions we still need filled in youth group.

Both the youth pastor and I know that most of our youth leaders will be leaving us by April (they are in college and that's when their classes are done, so more than likely they will be heading home or wherever to work for the summer). THUS, we are having this Youth Ministry session to find leaders before the departure of our college volunteers, and to finally have volunteers that are already attending/invested in the church to begin with.

Why is this an important thing, you may ask?

Aside from finding volunteers within the church being a more stable investment practically, its something that people within the church should be doing to begin with.

"What are you talking about Holmes?"

I'm talking about people contributing their gifts and abilities to the Church and not just sitting in on a Sunday service and occasionally throwing money in the offering plate.

Ooooohh, did I struck a nerve? Seriously, this really should not come as surprise. After all, Paul only talks about people who say they are believers of Christ and part of the Church SHOULD BE DOING STUFF.

1 Corinthians 12:12, 27-31
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. And God has placed in the church, first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, them miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, or guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. 

(I KNOW that 1 Cor. 12 is really dealing with Jews and Gentiles within the church and understanding how the gifts of the Holy Spirit function in the proper setting; but I THINK [personal opinion] that this chapter can also be applied in a setting where people are uncertain where and how one can offer their gifts in ministry within the church) However, I'm NOT saying everyone in church should jump into youth ministry. Something like that would be catastrophic and cause many other ministries within churches much distress and frustration.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 

Really, there is no excuse for merely attending the church service, putting some money in the offering plate/bag (if you even do that) and head out on your merry way thinking you've done the christian thing. No. Paul would verbally slap you for thinking such a thing. 

If anything, I hope what I am saying to my fellow Christians is encouraging, even if it is a bit harsh. This means that, if you are a believer and follower of Christ, then you have a PLACE WITHIN THE CHURCH. You are not just some attendee at a function, YOU ARE NEEDED, YOU HAVE GIFTS AND SERVICE THAT GOD HAS BLESSED YOU WITH TO ENCOURAGE AND EDIFY FELLOW BELIEVERS.

Okay, rant over. 

I need something from you, dear reader. Your prayers. 

Pray for this Youth Ministry Session would bring out the right people within the church of Hillcrest so that youth ministry would be done right by the guidance of God. 
Pray for Youth Ministry within churches everywhere. That sleepy and apathetic believers would wake up and realize they need to contribute more than their money and attendance to church services. Pray for the Church (as a whole) that we would realize we are not just a socially constructed institution, but a witness to the world and a servant of one another - each possessing a gift and service, through the Holy Spirit, that our Heavenly Father has blessed us with to encourage and edify one another as we wait for the return of Christ. 

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we need to be discipling one another, youth especially, to be followers of Christ. It takes time, dedication, and godly character to disciple a generation. Let's do this with the strength and guidance of Christ. 

~To God be the glory

ps., I will be sure to post about how the Youth Min Session goes. 

9 November 2015

The Topic of Christian dating and why it's important

What is with that title?
I feel like this topic is more hard and embarrassing to write about than my 'Sexualized Society' and 'Marriage and Sex' posts. WHY? Marriage and sex is more clearly defined in Scripture as to what is acceptable and not, also there are many examples given about the topics from people in scripture. Dating on the other hand... well... it's not.

We - at least Canadians - live in a society that allows consenting adults to find and make their own relationships within and out of marriage, as opposed to having arranged marriages set by parents and/or guardians. There are examples in the Bible of arranged marriages (due to cultural influences) with and without God having His hand in them (See Ruth and Boaz, Rebecca and Jacob, Eve and Adam, etc.), but as Christians, who are Canadian, we have the almost daunting task of figuring out for ourselves who we ought to look for as a lifelong partner.

Before I continue, I need to make a disclaimer - the ideas and topic came from a online video series based in Southland by Dan and Olivia Hungerford. I will be doing my best to sum up what their videos contain and what is important to note about Christian dating. I would HIGHLY recommend going through this series yourself and get the full experience : The Dating Seminar

Without further ado, let's talk about Christian dating:

Part 1 - Understanding the dating culture 
  1. The purpose in understanding dating culture
    1. to understand the desire from God to date in order to get married
    2. to know how to date with God's heart and purpose
    3. what to look for in dating potential 
    4. to keep you from falling into sinful pitfalls 
  2. Theme: Cultural normalities 
    1. living in a brutally intensive society 
      1. media and culture leads the way and not Jesus
      2. Romans 12:2 - do not conform, be renewed 
      3. When our Christian foundation is broken, our mind gets warps, and the enemy (Satan) uses media and culture to dictate how to date and view/use sex
    2. the concept of: "if it feels good, then just do it"
  3. There are 5 cultural norms:
    1. Media sets the standard for normality
      1. gets us to think things that are not biblical
      2. intake: tv, internet, advertisements, music
      3. what goes into your mind, will come out of your heart 
    2. Sexuality is everywhere because our culture dictates it
      1. magazines, advertisements - using photoshopped images of gorgeous people half naked or full on naked but conveniently covered
    3. Media has influenced our culture
      1. 1950 - the word 'pregnant' was not allowed to be on tv
    4. Casual Sex
      1. foreplay is a form of sexual pleasure
      2. when two people lay down next to each other - male and female - a chemical is released that prepares us for sex
    5. Living together before marriage
      1. "you need to live together to know if you're compatible" - that takes away the surprise of growing to love and learn with each other 
      2. God designed us to grow in marriage, not live together before it 
  4. Christians actually love to be counter cultural - there is something within that desires to be different from the rest of the world
    1. this desire is also appealing to those who are not Christian
    2. ways to be countercultural
      1. continually be fed by the word and prayer
        1. the more this happens, the more you will fall in love with God, and the cultural desires die away
      2. careful about what we allow in our eyes and ears
        1. conscience is sharpened when sensitive to God's desires 
Summary: the desire to be in a marriage relationship is good, God designed us that way. However, things like the 5 cultural norms are what badly screw our views on marriage and dating if we are not actively seeking to be counter cultural with the help of God. Through prayer, reading the Bible, and being aware of what we see and listen to, our sensitivity to God's desires will affect how we view the aspects of dating and marriage, as well as the people around us.

Part 2 - Made for Relationships 
  1. Verses and passaged from the Bible about relationships and bodies
    1. Genesis 1-3 - God notes it is not good for man to be alone, so he made woman 
    2. 1 Cor 6:20 - we were bought at the price of Jesus' death and resurrection, we need to honour God with how we treat our bodies 
    3. Titus 2:12 - say "no" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age
  2. Conviction on sin is good - 1 Thess 4:3-4 - allows for godly change 
  3. What is sexual sin? - ANYTHING that turns you on outside of marriage
  4. Red Zones of dating - 2 extreme type - both are sinful 
    1. One red zone - sexual permissiveness
      1. 1 Cor 16:18 - one sin that a person commits against their own body
      2. end up living in guilt
      3. 2 Cor 5:10 - we will have to give an account before Christ of everything we have done
      4. John 15:19 - disciples of Jesus do not belong to the world 
    2. Second red zone - rules and legalism 
      1. Matt 23:27 - similar to Pharisees with their added rules for how Jews are to live besides from the OT
      2. going overboard with the rules and standards set for self and others 
        1. putting the dating potential in marriage zone, BEFORE dating them
        2. tendency to pose their instruction from the LORD onto others
        3. Over spirtualizing dating
          1. listening prayer, image of someone they will marry - chase them down and the other person is freaking out
          2. "I'm waiting for the one/ that one" - those who are CONSTANTLY waiting
          3. When we partner with God, we need to take action as well as instruction 
  5. Green Zone of dating - godly dating that produces godly marriage, and godly marriage can produce godly offspring 
    1. Boundaries are needed
      1. seek godliness - that shows up in lifestyle, character, and choices 
      2. maturity - in choices and how they live 
      3. need to be SINGLE first before pursuing someone 
    2. There are 5 things to note before dating the potential 
      1. Must be a Christian, following Jesus with their lives
      2. Growing in their walk with God
      3. No addictions or life controlling behaviours
      4. must not exhibit personality or spiritual deficiencies 
      5. MUST be willing to work on known weaknesses in order to mature in their walk with God 
    3. be immersed in scripture and listening prayer 
Summary: There are 3 kinds of zones when it comes to dating: 2 Red zones that are sinful, and a Green one that is godly. The two red zones are sexual permissiveness and legalism - both places us into bondage and have unhealthy views on dating, marriage, sex, and relationships with people. The green zone seeks to place boundaries that are helpful before and while dating that are honourable to God. Since Christians be not belong to the world, and follow Christ's example on living god honouring lives, we must not fall into the red zones when it comes to dating and relationships.

Example of Red Zone: 
Red Zone 1
Red Zone 1
^ Red Zone 2 v
Note: this is in the mind of Dipper (holding the list),
and the list's title says "Wendy Plan"
Part 3 - Stages of relationships
  1. Lay down:
    1. Physical expectations - 1 Tim 4:8; Prov. 31:18
    2. Emotional expectations 
  2. Getting to know a person in 5 different areas
    1. Socially - ability to relate and connect 
    2. Mentally - open mind to knew ideas and areas of decisions and directions
    3. Emotionally - to understand feelings, able to share feelings or anger, sadness, stress, hope, joy and love
    4. Spiritually - sharing moral and religious principles and beliefs
    5. Physically - able to express yourself sexually through physical relationship ( <-- during marriage, not dating)
  3. When permissive couples allow things to go to fast into physical area, they are stunted in growth of other areas - especially emotional and spiritual 
  4. When dating and engagement is on the horizon, the dating process should be long enough to allow situation to arise in the first 4 areas 
  5. the 6 stages of relationships
    1. initiation 
      1. first conversation - for fun, simple 
    2. experimenting - getting to know one another
      1. mental part of relationship is established
      2. expressing ideas and hopes
      3. nervous, not sure if one likes the other
      4. hang out in groups, maybe coffee one on one 
    3. intensifying - STARTING to date: make sure you grow close to God as you get to know the other person, if being pulled away, they're not the person to be in relationship with (revise at every stage) 
      1. emotional side added - feelings shared
      2. defences lowered, sharing feelings about one another 
      3. spurring one another to grow in the LORD - not praying together though 
        1. healthy ways to grow spiritually together
          1. go to church together
          2. volunteer together
          3. share about devotional lives
          4. evangelize together 
        2. Praying binds one another together - NOT TO BE DONE IN BEGINNING STAGES OF DATING
    4. Integrating - lives more intertwined 
      1. social, mental, and emotional 
      2. able to talk about any problem
      3. spiritual - defining alignments and splinters  
        1. goals, walk with the LORD, ministry 
      4. purity can get hard to maintain - watch out
      5. listening prayer to talk bout boundaries 
    5. Revising 
      1. what are you able to do physically without falling into Red Zone
    6. WEDDING 
  6. There is no right answer for how long one should date or be engaged - it depends on God and one another's relationship 
Summary: When it comes to dating someone, one needs to lay down their expectations of their potential dater - emotionally and physically. When dating, one needs to get to know a person in 4 areas: socially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually during the first 5 stages of relationships. During those stages, it is alway good to revise and see if what they are doing is godly - that way if they need to slow down or back out, no one gets badly hurt in the process.

Part 4 - Healthy dating, taking ownership of mistakes, Singleness 
  1. Healthy dating - get out of the house (leaving yourself in inclosed and comfortable spaces can lead to permissiveness and to much intimacy), do things that are creative and affordable 
  2. Take ownership of mistakes
    1. do not blame the other person
    2. do not make excuses 
    3. do not point fingers at others 
    4. See Genesis 3
  3. "sign of wisdom and maturity - when you come to terms and realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences, you're responsible for your life, ultimate success depends on the choices you make" -  Dan
  4. our responsibility as Christians is to stay in the green zone of dating - and not swaying into red zones
  5. "When we blame other people, we give up the power to change" - Olivia 
  6. If there was a drop of sewage in a cup of water, would you still drink it? No - then why should we watch movies, or listen to music, or read books and magazines, or play videogames, that has unnecessary violence and/or sex in it? Even if its just that little bit of sin, it still sin that affects our lives and how we view things
  7. Are there things that are sickening God and you need to get rid of in order to have good and healthy relationships?
  8. There is only for God and against God when it comes to what we do, say, think, and have
  9. People who are single and not dating
    1. reasons why some people are single
      1. busy
      2. fear
      3. no body has asked them out
      4. God's calling
      5. 'waiting for the right one'
      6. celibacy - lifetime of service to Christ (Matt 19:12)
      7. High school student waiting till after graduation to date
    2. No desire to date in the present time
    3. Dealing with sinful actions - permissiveness 
    4.  PURPOSE AND PLAN when it comes to singleness - God has a plan for whatever seasons we go though
  10. lies that Satan has for single people
    1. unattractive, undesirable, unwanted
      1. BUT - you are made by God and are valuable, so do not settle for anyone or anything because of Satan's lies
    2. a marriage or relationship will solve all your problems
      1. security in relationship, and not in God, is REALLY dangerous
      2. our emotional and physical needs will not be satisfied by the person we seek if God is not involved 
  11. Seek Jesus, people notice this, and it IS attractive 
    1. Matthew 6:33 
Summary: We need to take responsibility for our actions when we mess up when viewing and listening to things that dishonour God and warp our relationship with Him and other people, and we need to be wise in order to not fall into temptations. If there are things in our life that is destroying and damaging relationships - get rid of them. If you are single, do not believe Satan's lies, and follow and fall in love with Jesus through prayer and reading the Bible.  

SO - after all that info dump, here's my personal analysis and reasoning why the topic of Christian dating needed to be talked about.

In my 23 years of being raised as/being a Christian, I have NEVER had a clear and concise explanation on how dating works or why it should be done.
I can account for being in the legalistic side of the red zone, and let me tell you, it's not fun. This green zone of christian dating sounds so delightful, meaningful, God honouring, and I cannot help but pray that more people will read and catch onto this.
It was during Briercrest that my concern for romantic relationships became heightened  - because I would see and hear about relationships being so saturated in the red zones.
So for myself, my friends, and for the youth at youth group, I wanted to do my best to convey what true and healthy relationships looked like... without being sure as to how it works. THANK YOU DAN AND OLIVIA FOR THIS SEMINAR! 

So single Christian guys wanting to date: Step up! Go through the dating seminar yourself hosted by Dan and Olivia in the link at the beginning of this blog, and have no fear in asking a christian girl out for coffee, or bowling, or a walk in the park.
Single Christian girls wanting to date: Settle down! Go through the dating seminar yourself hosted by Dan and Olivia in the link at the beginning of this blog, and lay down your emotional and physical expectations of your future partner at the feet of Jesus! When that guy asks you out on a date, DON'T PLAN YOUR WEDDING AS YOU'RE GETTING READY FOR YOUR TIME OUT. Take the date as a date and get to know the guy.
To both genders wanting to date: trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge God and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6), seek after Him and His righteousness (Matthew 6:330, and do not take control but take action as you live your life as a living sacrifice to God that is holy and pleasing in view of His mercy (Romans 12:1).

By the way, do not feel ashamed if this is what you need to do next:
I felt like I had to do the same thing afterward. 

Let's do this dating thing right so that we can bring honour and glory to God, and that people who do not believe would see our relationships and know there is something different about us! 

~To God be the glory 

1 November 2015

Who's in agony?

It's time to play another game of:

Whose emotion am I feeling?

*cue the theme music, something along the lines of jeopardy or the 'price is right'*

For all those who are JUST following me for the first time, or decided to read this post without the buildup of my others - I'll give a little context to what I'm talking about.

The way I describe the way I am able to feel emotions that are not mine is part of my personality indicated by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I tend to flip between INFJ and ISFJ - You can look these up and see further descriptions of them - but as an INFJ, it is said that I am able to feel the energy and emotions of other people even if I do not feel the same way at the time.

Okay, now that you know I have the ability to feel other people's emotions, I'm going to get into this account that happened Sunday night.

It was at Southland Church in Steinback, and the group of us from Hillcrest had just finished the prayer summit. We decided to meet up after the event to discuss the highlights and observations from the weekend. Near the end of our talk, one of our members who was a former pastor of Hillcrest expressed his admiration for the weekend experience and gratitude for still having him as part of the team even though he wasn't the Pastor anymore.

He further expressed that although he's had his battle with cancer, and there was signs of it of it returning (I think that's what was said in the meeting), he wanted to be healed.

Another one of the men in the team stated that we should pray for our former pastor. So a chair was put in the centre of our circle, and as the former pastor sat on it, we all gathered around and placed our hands on him.

- INFO: For those who are wondering, "why on earth are you doing this?" The reason why is that in pentecostal tradition, the "laying on of hands" is based on Jesus' way of offering healing to those who wanted it (we read of this practice in the Gospels). Since Christians are to be like Christ, and we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, we do this act when we pray for healing on someone. -

As we did this, the man who stated we should pray, prayed allowed on everyone's behalf - as he spoke his voice cracked with emotion and sniffles were heard as we prayed.

While praying, and as I heard people crying, I felt something powerful stir within me.

I involenterily began to clench my hand into a fist that was at my side. A huge surge of agony coursed through my being as I could not help but let out a sob. 

If you do not know what agony looks or feels like, this is an gif that I found that I think portrays it well: 

As this emotion overwhelmed me for that prayer time. It wasn't until we finished, and one of the ladys handed me a kleenex... that I managed to calm down. 

Here's the thing... I do not often feel agony unless another person is in distress, or pain, or I realize that I am at odds with God. So when it came to this prayer time of healing for our former pastor, I could not help but wonder... whose agony did I just feel?

I know for myself that I was in no need to be in agony over anything personally, so it narrows it down to either the people who I way praying with, or God. 

BEFORE I explain how or why I could think I was sharing God's agony, I'll explain the other people:

It could have been whilst surrounded by all the church members who know our former pastor well, and even the former pastor himself, were in agony over his cancer and how it was taking its toll on him. They could have been in agony over the desire to see him healed but unable to do anything about it. 

You may be thinking, "God in agony? Holmes, what on earth are you thinking? How could you feel God's agony, let alone God being in agony?"

Well, before I met a certain woman professor out at Briercrest even I would have thought this as impossible or ridiculous. However, as this woman taught 'Women and Vocation,' she shared her stories and her heart that struck and resonated with mine. She and I got together occasionally and found out that she and I share a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. 

She gave me a book to read that, during my intense and insane final year at Briercrest, only managed to read 2-3 chapters of, but they were the main ones she was thinking for me to read. 

A few quotes stood out to me:

"The prophet is a person who holds God's love as well as God's anger in his soul, enraptured or enfervered. It is the love that inhabits his soul together with the vision of its outpouring of blessings; it is the anger that consumes his heart together with the vision of its outpouring of horror. the dreadful hurt to the prophet's soul comes from both realizing the effects of anger may yield and from realizing the anger itself. In other words, what shocks the prophet's soul is not only what he is able to sense in anticipation, but also what he is able to sense as an immediate perception" (The Prophets, Volume II - Abraham J. Heschel, pg. 92).

Fellow feelings, or sympathy for God, "involves the prophet's intentional reference of the feeling of joy or sorrow to God's experience," "the prophet's sympathy and God's pathos are phenomenologically two different facts, not one fact..." (The Prophets, Volume II - Abraham J. Heschel, pg. 94)

"Such sympathy for God derives from an understanding for the situation and pathos of the Lord. The divine evokes a similar pathos in the prophet. The prophet may respond to the divine pathos only by way of intuiting what the pathos might be. The prophet's personal concern for God also focuses his emotions directly on the given pathos of God. This complex structure of sympathy is the prophet's typical mode of experience. This applies equally to his solidarity with the pain of God, to the echo of the divine experience in relation to an analogous object and to his compassionate communion with God." (The Prophets, Volume II - Abraham J. Heschel, pg. 94).

Well, there you have it. You may go now. 

Just joking, let's keep going -

Now that I've just given you a whole bunch on info on God and prophets I'm sure there are a whole new set of questions happening, so I'll do my best to address the ones I am thinking of:
1. prophets still exist? - In a sense, yes. In the OT, an individual would have special communication with God to give warnings, affirmation, blessings and curses, on God's behalf to His people or King of his people - this was through the Holy Spirit the individual was able to do this. Even Kings (like David - could/were considered to have prophetic capabilities because the Holy Spirit was with them). SINCE Christians have the Holy Spirit within them, we have the capabilities of the prophets in the OT, but not necessarily to the same extent (unless you have the gift of prophecy, but that's a whole other discussion). 
2. God being angry is one thing, but having sorrow, and agony? - Yes, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing" (Matthew 23:27, Luke13:34). 

"The LORD said to me, 'Faithless Israel is more righteous than unfaithful Judah. Go, proclaim this message toward the north:
'Return, faithless Israel,' declares the LORD,
'I will frown on you no longer,
for I am faithful,' declares the LORD,
'I will not be angry forever.
Only acknowledge your guilt -
you have rebelled against the LORD your God,
you have scattered your favors to foreign gods
under every spreading tree,
and have not obeyed me,'
declares the LORD." (Jeremiah 3:11-13)

"How gladly would I treat you like my children 
and give you a pleasant land,
the most beautiful inheritance of any nation.
I thought you would call me 'Father'
and not turn away from following me.
But like a woman unfaithful to her husband,
so you, Israel, have been unfaithful to me,'
declares the LORD" (Jeremiah 3:19-20)

"Your New Moon feasts and you appointed festivals 
I hate with all my being.
They have become a burden to me;
I am weary of bearing them.
Therefore the Lord, the LORD Almighty,
the Mighty One of Israel, declares,
'Ah! I will vent my wrath on my foes
and avenge myself on my enemies. 
I will turn my hand against you;
I will thoroughly purge away your dross
and remove all your impurities.
I will restore your leaders as in days of old,
your rulers as at the beginning.
Afterward you will be called 
the City of Righteousness,
the Faithful City." (Isaiah 1:14, 24-26)

"And he said, 'Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" ... "'What is this you have done?'" (Genesis 3:11, 13)

Both Jesus (who is God incarnate) to the beginning when humans first sinned, God has expressed agony towards His creation for committing sin, which puts distance between us and God. 

ABOUT THE GENESIS REFERENCE - I know most people would think God is straight up angry here, for the longest time I thought so too... but My Hebrew professor at Briercrest pointed out that the character of God is full of grace and love, and this beautiful relationship has been ruined by humanity, so yes there is anger, but there is also agony and a distress because this means humans have to be separated from Him, because He cannot be in a relationship with humans if they are disobedient and rebellious... which PAINS Him.

But now, back to my situation with feeling agony while praying for healing for our former pastor - How does sin and God's agony fit with the praying for healing. 
Well... I think that God was feeling agony because - the reason why death, decay, and disease is in the world to begin with is because of sin - He does not want his children to suffer, but we must endure in this time till Christ returns. 

I honestly do not know if God healed the former pastor during our prayer time... but if my feeling of agony showed me anything, it's that God knows our struggle and pain, He is VERY MUCH aware of the sin in this world... and we all will come to full redemption and renewal when Christ returns to do so, not only for humanity, but also all of creation which also suffers from humanity's rebellion against God (Romans 8). 

If this is the first time you have EVER considered let alone read the idea of God being in agony over sin - please, take the time to go through the verses I posted, or even reading Isaiah and Jeremiah on your own time and notice how God's love, anguish, righteousness, and redemption are shown in those books. Please contemplate and meditate on God's agony over sin, and the fact He sent Jesus to die in order to redeem us from it, and that we, and all of creation will be fully redeemed and renewed when Christ returns. 

~To God be the glory