Two Worlds

Two Worlds

29 October 2015

The Southland Experience - Part 4 (Final)

Before I pick up from where I left off from the last post - I wanted to take the time to emphasize something rather important. Even though the title of this series is called the "Southland Experience" it's really about the "Experience at Southland." The difference between the titles is that the "Southland Experience" seems like it's saying that Southland is what gave me these revelations and enjoyable moment - to a degree that's true - However, the experiences happened because God was the influencer of it all. If God wasn't working in Southland, those experiences would not have been the same and every well would not have happened... but since I've made the title what it is, I will not bother changing it, but know now, dear reader, that Southland was only the median of what God was doing in and through me.

NOW, back to the account -

SC and I were sitting with Dan, Olivia, and Tammy in their living room for the second and final time. Dan asked us how our experiences were and thoughts on the weekend. When it came to my turn to share I said, "Even though this wasn't actually a main point in any of the sessions or discussions, the impression of this weekend affirmed something for me. When it comes to that verse where it says, "God is spirit, and his worshipers much worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24), it's about maintaing the practice, or use, of the truth = Bible/Scripture and spirit = Holy Spirit. It's true that it's not about God the Father, Son and Holy Bible, and that it is about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - However, we need to have our orthodoxy (teaching) and our orthopraxy (doing) influenced by the Holy Spirit. There is always going to be a tension... but, that's okay."

Apparently Dan and Olivia were amazed by this answer - I'm not saying this to impress anyone, but I was honoured that they thought so highly of my contemplation, considering the amount of ministering they do on a daily basis.
Somewhat an accurate representation of my reaction to their response,
I was pleased that they thought that way.
We wrapped up the evening saying they would host breakfast for us once again before driving us over to the church to meet up with our group.

As SC and I settled down for the evening... it hardly seemed possible that the weekend retreat was over so soon. I was able to share more with SC my desire to do seminary at Briercrest, this time with a for certain focus on languages - Greek and Hebrew.  We both expressed our delight for having spent the weekend with Dan and Olivia. I noted how even this place was new, and I had never met Dan and Olivia before... the retreat, and staying at their place felt like home. I realized that, if one is honest with me, and they can get me to laugh and be expressive without any sort of pressor, I am so at ease and comfortable, and that is what exactly happened talking and staying with Dan and Olivia.

It was all too soon when our alarms went of for SC and I that morning. We drug ourselves out of bed, gathered our stuff, and had breakfast with Dan, Olivia, and Tammy.

After a wonderful breakfast, filled with good conversation and more laughter (even at 7:30am) - Found out that Dan's cousin lives 10min from the Shire, like the actual Shire Peter Jackson made for the 'Lord of the Rings' series, and the nerd in me died of delight - Tammy took a picture of us sitting on the couch together, and then I took a picture of Tammy, Dan, and Olivia together.

Hugs were exchanged between all of us as SC and I departed with our Hillcrest group... and I have to say... it was really, REALLY hard to leave. It felt good having less responsibilities, and being looked after for that short time, and selfishly I wish it could have gone longer. It was amazing to be in such God loving community and seeing some huge things that God was doing in that community and all who were affected by it.

That all being said - there was so much more happening that even I have not mentioned... but I hope this little series revealed some incredible things about God's goodness and the possible implications of the Holy Spirit's action in our lives.

I will be raising topics and furthers thoughts and reflections thanks to this weekend, but this is the end of the account of my experience out at Steinback, MB. I hope and pray that God uses my retelling as a way to bring thoughtful reflection and encouragement to you readers.

Thank you for tracking with me on this account and as always:

~To God be the glory!

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