Two Worlds

Two Worlds

27 August 2015

Something big

Do you feel it, that slight change in the weather? Did you notice, the sunrise starting later? Can you see, the date on the calendar reads August 27th and that means SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER?!?

Well, that happened, and soon, very soon that also means, school is starting and so does youth group!

I have to say I am VERY exciting for the upcoming year!
The Youth Pastor and I have been organizing the schedule, figuring out talks, planning retreats, etc., and soon it will all be coming together starting September 2nd! 

After having a meeting with the Youth Pastor, I was encouraged to seek out my professors from Briercrest and ask if they'd want to be guest speakers at youth group. Although some said they would be unable to, their words of thanks and encouragement brightened my day... it's funny, even though they are people, and even having gotten to know them... after seeing and hearing how brilliant and popular they are amongst the student body, it sometimes feels like dealing with celebrities that you cannot help but fangirl over when they respond to your messages. 

It's going to be interesting now that I have graduated yet most of my friends who will also be doing youth ministry are still in school. So while they will be saying after a night of youth group, "I gotta go and write a paper" - I'll be saying ," Ha. Haha. Hahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA, I DON'T... but, I gotta get to work by 6am..." 

OH. Which reminds me - PRAYER - We need prayer!

This was also part of agenda with this blog that I could write things that the Youth Group would need prayer for, and as you dear reader, would take time to pray for these requests. That way I can be kept accountable and we can be encouraged when God answers these requests. 

Here's what we need prayer for:

  1. Our youth leaders and Youth Pastor: 
  • Most of our leaders are from Briercrest and will be swamped with homework, deadlines, and stress of homework and deadlines, pray that they make the right sacrifices and know when to speed 
  • That we as leaders will bond and be the encouragement and example of what loving and faithful Christians look like
  • Also for our Youth Pastor, he is one man with many responsibilities, pray that he receives wisdom, courage, and strength (physical and spiritual). 
     2.  Our Youth Group as a whole:
  • That the youth would be know how to love one another as Christ loves us
  • The youth would see the importance of youth group and continuously come and not once in a while or when convenient 
  • That ALL of us would find no satisfaction in anything else but God and we would all hunger for the reading of Scripture 
  • That we would keep the main thing the main thing, God as our Father whom we want to learn and love and be making disciples of Christ 
That all I can think of for now, I'm sure there will be more along the way as well as updates in prayer requests and praise items. 

I'm really excited to be updating this blog with weekly notes on how youth group is doing and talk sessions and the like! 

Stay posted and thank you for taking the time to read this!

~To God be the glory 

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