Two Worlds

Two Worlds

7 August 2015

Youth ministry and personality

Since I am starting a blog for the first time where anyone can read it, I suppose it would be best to describe and talk about two integral things about me: finances and highly-sensitive introversion.

If you happen to know anything about ministry in a church setting, you may know that there is NO FINANCIAL GAIN involved. A few questions are raised, “Sarah, how is it that you have graduation from college and are wanting to go into a profession that has no financial gain; don’t you have student loans?”

Well, to answer the first part, I want to be where God calls me to be, and I know I have a heart, and gift, for dealing with youth. The second part is… You ready for this, this is pretty important… okay (leans in and whispers) I don’t have student loans to pay off, in fact I don't have any financial debt.

That’s right, I owe NOTHING to the government, and it’s a huge thanks to God who placed it on my family’s hearts to support me financially as well as for me having a casual job as a prep-cook at the Temple Gardens Mineral Spa (there will be more stories about that place to come).

I would not recommend ANYONE who is in financial debt to get into ministry right after; it is even to my knowledge that the church will not let you go over seas if you have debt, so it would be best as a student to SAVE YOUR MONIES, WORK HARD AT THE JOB GOD GIVES YOU, AND SEEK FIRST GOD’S KINGDOM AND RIGHTEOUSNESS (Matthew 6:33). This is what I did, I’m not saying it will work out for everyone this way, but the main thing is to trust in God and to seek His kingdom and righteousness.
Thus I am working as a Prep-cook as source of financial income and witness to my co-workers that Jesus is the way, truth and life, and volunteer (almost in a full-time sense) at the church I attend.
NOW, onto the next part, highly-senative introversion. I’ll break it down, HSP (or highly-sensative person) is when sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste is heightened more than the average person, plus their emotional intake and response to situations is more expressive  ([ ]). Introversion is a way in which people gain energy through being alone and/or partaking in hobbies that excite or relax them without anyone else around - this is the counter partner to extraversion, which is the way in which people gain energy by being with other people; whether it is through interaction with others or being in an area which has people all around.

SO, taking into account that I am an HSP and an Introvert, one could be wondering “HOW ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DO YOUTH MINISTRY?” 

I’m so glad you asked - Well, first off, when it comes to ministry of any kind, it’s not about personality, but rather it’s about godly character. I have a friend of mine to thank for this encouragement and reality. Some places you can find this is in Titus and 2 Timothy off the top of my head.

Also the Church (I am speaking of the universal one and not just the local one) is that everyone has a place in it. Just as Paul speaks of the Body with its many functions (1 Cor 12), so the Church has a need and a place for every single person, even an HS Introvert like me to be in youth ministry.

So, yes, I need alone time more often, yes, I will tend to cry when others are crying, or when they are expressing something painful that is happened or happening to them, I will laugh and smile when others are because it's so infectious.
AND YET - I know I am to be in youth ministry. It is exciting, painful, and life altering things happen during adolescence, and I want to be there to share their pains and joys as I express the love of God and the profound impact of Scripture (the Bible) with them.

One website I have found helpful when it comes to information on personality types is:

It has pretty great, fun, and insightful articles about personality types. If you're wondering about yours, I'd recommend it... but do not let it dictate what you are/are not capable of. When you have the Creator God as your Lord, He's the one who makes use of your gifts and weaknesses to bring honour and glory to Him; and to strengthen your faith and trust in Him as well.

~To God be the glory!

Ps. the title of my first blog entry is a name of the song by the band 'Starset.' Check 'em out on youtube, or wherever you go to listen to music.

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