Two Worlds

Two Worlds

6 August 2015

It has begun

I have finally given in. 

For a few years now it has been on the back burner of my mind to start blogging. What has kept me at bay from starting one before now was mainly research (that is how to get one started) and purpose.

Research is easy enough nowadays, put purpose is huge for me. WHY should I use a blog? WHAT would be it's purpose? WHO would I want reading it?

Well, NOW I have a purpose for this blog and it involves my calling in this life - youth ministry. 

Since I have recently graduated from college, spent almost five years out on the prairies working to earn money, and mainly do youth ministry in a local church; it's been decided I would dedicate a blog for my involvement in youth ministry and why this Island girl would leave the closest thing to Eden and spend many years on the prairies.

My hope for this blog is that people reading it will be inspired by what is happening in this area with youth ministry, and for the biblical insights that motivate what I do, think and believe, as well as the other little rabbit trails I will most likely go on because I think they matter or drive my passions, but will connect to this blogs main purpose.

I pray that this blog will bring honour and glory to the Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ whom I serve and love; and that the people who read this will be blessed, encouraged, and inspired by the work God is doing here, and the thoughts, and insights He inspires me to write about.

To God be the glory!

1 comment:

  1. You have put a lot more thought into the start of your blog than I did when I started. It will be interesting to see where this goes! To God be the glory, indeed :-)
